How to Get Rid of Warts?

Wart on finger

The skin can be affected by various rashes, inflammation, moles, formations, and much more. And how to get rid of warts is also a common question. If you are struggling with this problem, you need to know the reasons why it appeared, what its varieties are, how to get rid of it, and what preventive measures are in place.

What are warts?

These are formations on the skin in the form of nodular growths. Outwardly, they resemble moles, but the latter are soft to the touch, smooth, and their color is slightly darker than the color of the skin. Warts are tough because their top layer is a stratum corneum, which is why they feel uncomfortable and are similar in color to skin. These growths bring significant discomfort, so it is not surprising that the question of how to get rid of warts is relevant to those who have encountered them.

A feature of these formations is that they have the ability to grow - after the appearance of one, others appear, but, as a rule, smaller. They can affect the genitals (this is where genital warts form), the mucous membranes, and various parts of the body.

Where do warts come from?

They are benign neoplasms and their provocateur is HPV, which stands for human papillomavirus. Today medicine knows more than 150 of its types, and all of them provoke the appearance of growth in different areas of the skin. Most often, the places of their appearance are hands (usually hands), legs (mainly feet), elbows, neck, face, knees.

So it is a viral disease that is transmitted through contact. This means that the pathogen can enter the body in the following ways:

  • From wounds, scratches on the skin, damaged mucous membranes;
  • By using the same household items with an infected person;
  • With intimacy;
  • When using non-sterile equipment during cosmetic procedures, manicures, pedicures, tattoos in a medical facility;
  • In public areas (swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, etc. ).

Even if the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is not violated, the risk of infection with the virus through contact with its wearer or infected surfaces is not excluded. The growth can occur even six months or more after infection. This is one of the reasons why an infected person may not show any outward signs of illness.

HPV is an infection that is also activated when exposed to negative factors:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • The presence of serious comorbidities, infectious diseases (especially HIV);
  • Frequent depression;
  • Long-term treatment with the same drugs;
  • The presence of bad habits.

Types of warts

Here are the main ones:

  • Simple (common);
  • Just;
  • Plantar;
  • Thread-like.

Each type of formation has its own characteristics, appearance and structure.


They are also called common or vulgar. This group comprises about 70% of all formations of this type. They are usually provoked by HPV types 2 and 4. They can infect almost any area of the skin. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they rise significantly above it and are mostly round. The color of the formations is flesh-colored, gray or yellow-brown. They usually feel close to the touch and are 2-5 mm in diameter.

There are two types of simple growths:

  • Single chamber;
  • Multi-chamber.

The latter require differential diagnosis to ensure that this is actually the given type of these formations. How to remove warts on arms, legs, elbows, knees, and other parts of the body where they appear depends on making an accurate diagnosis.


The peculiarity of this type of growths is that, like vulgar formations, they form above the surface of the skin, but slightly protrude beyond it. This species has 4% -5% of the total number of formations that cause HPV.

Flat growths are more often localized in the area of the forearms, the back of the hand, on the mucous membranes, on the face, but can also form in other areas.

Doctors are finding that children and teenagers are more prone to this type of growth.


The appearance of such growths is similar to ordinary grains. If you find a similar phenomenon in yourself, be sure to consult a beautician, or, better, a dermatologist. A specialist will help determine the nature and origin of the problem. As can be seen from the name of this species, these excesses on the soles of the feet are affected, and adolescents are often faced with this problem. Among all species, this accounts for about 20-25% of the cases.

The location of these formations is such that they are often injured, especially when a person wears uncomfortable, tight shoes. They almost never bleed, but how to get rid of warts on the legs should be of interest to the person who has these growths.

The increased humidity of this part of the body, the presence of opportunistic microorganisms - these factors often provoke suppuration. In this case, you may need to contact a trauma surgeon. However, this can be avoided if you take care to remove the plantar wart in a timely manner and get rid of this problem.


In medicine they are called acrochords. They are benign neoplasms with an elongated shape and reach a size of 5 to 6 mm. Most commonly, acrochords are found on the neck, face, armpit, and groin area. In women, they can appear under the breast.

They begin to form when a yellow spot appears on the skin, which then feels larger and coarser. They take on an elongated shape, which is why they are called filament. In some cases, they get a rounded shape, but they are located on a thin stem.

What do you need to know about HPV?

This is a group of viruses with more than 150 types. The infection is easily transmitted, so the skin manifestations caused by HPV are quite common these days. Doctors cite statistics that say more than 60% of the world's population are carriers of one type or another of this virus.

The trick of the infection lies in the fact that when it penetrates the body it lingers in the basal layer of the epithelium. And then different types of the virus manifest in different ways:

  • Representatives of some of them are in the body without affecting the chromosomes of human cells. In this case, benign skin neoplasms are formed;
  • Some types of infections infect and change the host cell genome. In this case, malignant tumors develop.

Depending on how the virus behaves in the human body, its types are divided according to the degree of oncogenicity (ability to cause cancer):

  • Non-oncogenic (does not cause oncological diseases). This group includes 1-5, 10, 28, 49 types;
  • Low oncogenicity (almost never provokes the development of malignant diseases). This category includes in particular 6, 11, 13, 32, 34, 40-44, 51, 72 types;
  • Medium risk HPV. These include types 26, 30, 35, 52, 56, 65;
  • High oncogenicity (increases the risk of a pre-cancerous tumor that can develop into a cancerous tumor). This group previously comprised 16, 18, 31, 45 types. The first two (16 and 18) are common causes of cervical cancer in women.

When a person is infected with certain types of the virus, it does not rule out the risk of infection with others. A carrier can be found as one trunk and several dozen.

At the moment there are no drugs that can completely rid the human body of HPV. Unfortunately, today, when talking about how to get rid of warts forever, there is no guarantee that getting rid of warts is guaranteed to never return. Such a guarantee can only be given through the complete elimination of the virus, which is currently not possible.

How does the virus manifest itself?

Skin growth is the main manifestation of its presence in the body. If there is an infection in it that affects the internal genital organs of women, its manifestations in the form of genital warts can be determined on examination by a gynecologist, but the doctor does not make such a diagnosis "by eye". A smear is taken for PCR, and this analysis determines the presence or absence of HPV and its levels in the body.

Infection can be accompanied by general weakness and fever. However, these manifestations are accompanied by many other diseases, which is why they should be the reason for looking for a problem in the body.

Doctors note that an infected person who has good immunity, leads a healthy lifestyle, is not prone to depression, stress and other negative factors, and the virus may not manifest itself for years without disturbing its carrier.

Who Can Get Warts?

They can appear in anyone. Therefore, you can grapple with both how to get rid of a wart in a child and how to get rid of these problems in an adult of any age.

Are warts common?

The growths themselves that appear as a result of exposure to the virus are not transmitted. However, you can get infected with HPV from a person infected with HPV, and they are already able to become a provocateur of the appearance of formations on the skin. Since it is very easy to get infected with the virus, you must refrain from contact with its carriers, be careful in everyday life and only use objects.

Medical methods for removing warts

  1. It should be borne in mind that removing warts on the face, legs, arms, neck, and other parts of the body is not the same as removing HPV. Neoplasms on the skin are the consequences of the influence of the provocateur on the body, and if at the moment it is impossible to completely get rid of the infection itself, then it is possible to get rid of its consequences. But modern medicine knows how to weaken the virus. This can be done with the help of antivirals, immunomodulators.
  2. To get rid of the neoplasms on their own, other methods are used.


  1. In medicine there is another name for this method - cryotherapy. Cryodestruction literally means frost destruction. For this purpose, liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -196 ° C is used. This is the indicator at which the gas takes on a liquid state.
  2. This method of quickly removing the wart involves treating the affected area by freezing the growth tissue. Your cells are cooled so much that the fluid they contain expands, causing their destruction and, with it, the death of the entire neoplasm.
  3. The benefits of a method that will allow you to quickly and effectively remove the wart:
    • The method can be used to treat children;
    • Affordable cost of the procedure;
    • After such a moxibustion, no traces remain;
    • Speed;
    • No contraindications.
  4. But it also has disadvantages:
    • If the growths are multiple and large, several procedures may be required;
    • Relapse is not excluded;
    • The patient may experience uncomfortable, painful sensations during the session.

Burning with a laser

  1. This is a modern technique also known as laser vaporization. Its essence lies in the fact that the affected area is exposed to light, as a result of which the growth cells are vaporized. A crust then appears in its place and after a while the skin is restored and given a healthy color, appearance and structure.
  2. There may be only one drawback to this method - its relatively high cost. However, if you need to remove high quality warts on the face, arms, legs and other parts of the body, this effective method has many advantages:
    • The speed of the procedure - it takes 20-30 minutes;
    • No additional sessions are usually required.
    • High efficiency;
    • The technique can be used for patients of all ages and genders;
    • Painlessness is a factor that allows you not to use anesthesia.
    • Rapid rehabilitation;
    • If you're looking for a way to remove a wart on your finger, face, leg, or other area, this method works.
    • No lengthy preparation required for manipulation.


  1. The procedure involves destroying neoplastic cells using high frequency electricity. Since the use of laser vaporization began, this method of removing growths has become less common.
  2. However, it has its advantages:
    • The speed of the process;
    • High efficiency;
    • Rapid skin rehabilitation and healing;
    • Affordable price;
    • The doctor can control the depth of penetration of the current discharges.
    • After the procedure, the skin is quickly restored and given a healthy appearance and color.
  3. Disadvantages of this method of how to get rid of warts on toes, legs, elbows, knees, etc.
    • It won't work if the affected area is large. In such cases, the appearance of scars is possible;
    • The procedure can be painful;
    • The use of this technique can be associated with a small but bloody loss;
    • It is not recommended to use this method to get rid of formations on sensitive areas of the skin - the face, neck, décolleté.

Operative removal

  1. This method is rarely used. If there is an opportunity to use a bloodless, less traumatic method (such as laser burning), it is better to resort to it.
  2. Surgical removal involves removing the buildup with a scalpel and stitching the wound that has formed on the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
  3. The advantages of the procedure include the surgeon's ability to control the depth of penetration of the scalpel and the volume of excision of the affected tissues. It can be used to remove growths from areas of thick skin - for example, plantar warts on the legs.
  4. Disadvantages of the method:
    • Its use is associated with blood loss, and in some cases it is quite common;
    • A noticeable scar may remain after application;
    • After surgical removal, the rehabilitation and healing time of the skin can be long.

How to remove warts with folk remedies?

  1. They are used at home, their effects are similar to the methods of moxibustion, and there are many ways to deal with this problem.
  2. How to get rid of warts at home, and what means for them are considered effective?
    • Apple, beets, potatoes. You can choose one of these products. It is cut in two parts, each of which is rubbed over the affected area. After the halves of the product are connected, they are tied with a thread, wrapped in paper and stored in any place (you can go outside). It is believed that the growth will go away when the fruit decays;
    • Acetic acid. Take a sticking plaster, make a hole in it, the diameter and shape of which coincide with the parameters of the neoplasm. It must be stuck to the skin around the growth so that the latter is in the hole of the adhesive plaster. Combine a little vinegar and wheat flour, it should form a thick mush. It is applied to the wart and wrapped around the treated area with a clean cloth or bandage. You will need to apply a new mixture every day until the problem is resolved.
    • Ash. Burn several matches completely after removing the sulfur heads. Grind them to a powder and add a little water to make a thick mixture. To get rid of warts at home, it is applied to the affected area. After that, the "medicine" must be fixed with a bandage and a clean cloth. The process will repeat daily until the problem is resolved.
    • Celandine. Wipe the growth daily with an infusion of the plant, available at the pharmacy.
  3. Before getting rid of warts using folk methods, you should consider some of the doctors' comments on the matter. Official medicine does not consider them effective as there is no scientific justification for their effects. In addition, medical advice is needed that will help you determine the type of neoplasm and its structure. This is necessary to rule out his malignancy.
  4. These aren't the best ways to get rid of a baby's wart. He will need the help of a specialist - one should not risk the health of a little patient. The doctor will choose one of the most effective methods to get rid of the problems quickly, effectively and painlessly.


  1. The phenomenon has a viral etiology, and given the way its provocateur is transmitted, it is necessary to follow certain preventive measures. Only use your personal effects and toiletries when visiting public areas. It is desirable to do this in everyday life, on vacation. To avoid the risk of genital infections, barrier contraception should be used.
  2. Warts that appear on the fingers, feet, hands, knees, elbows, face, neck, and décolleté are also noticeable due to decreased immunity. Therefore, if the virus has already entered the body, then measures should be taken to strengthen the body's defenses:
    • Right nutrition;
    • Sports;
    • Rejection of bad habits;
    • Adequate sleep;
    • Avoid stress, depression, and other negative emotional states.

Unfortunately, getting rid of warts forever will not be possible. However, this does not mean that they are guaranteed to return after treatment. Take preventative measures to reduce your risks. In addition, you only need to be treated by a specialist. This is another way to greatly increase the chances of an effective solution to the problem.