

Warts occur on the body of the people due to the infection is a type of HPV, transmitted in consequence of contact: shake hands, walk barefoot in public areas, swimming in the Pool, use the community showers) even with the use of everyday objects. The warts can be of size from 1 mm to 15 mm, it depends on your place of education, art can Form warts large tumors hemispherical or conical. Over time, their color changed. First of all, the color matches the color of the warts of the skin, then they will be brown, rarely black, to a greater extent, such a color because of the dirt, which is easily overlaid on an uneven surface of the wart. The incubation period of warts is a minimum of 5-6 weeks for up to 5-6 months. For infection with the Virus is not sufficient in usual contact, you must also the presence of several factors, to weakness, which is excessive sweating of the hands and feet, microtrauma to the skin, immune.

Types of warts:

Under the wart, one distinguishes 4 main types: simple (or ordinary), flat, Condylomata acuminata, and senile warts.

  • The simple wart is a Horny papules with a diameter of 1 to 10 mm. they Often form on the backs of the hands . This type of warts goes away for two years and need to be treated.
  • Plantar warts - they are usually appear and on the feet in the areas of print shoes, due to steaming legs. First, the small size of the wart with a characteristic luster, then the keratinizing papel or metal buckle yellowish-gray color, its surface is rough and uneven. This wart usually single, but it comes before it occurs 3-6, and more. Stronger than all the pain of thick, scaly, grey to deliver warts-dirty color plantar. In rare cases these type of warts can result in the loss of earning capacity.
  • Flat (juvenile warts) are significantly limited papules with a smooth surface, whose diameter is from 1 to 5 mm to 1-2 mm above the skin . These warts usually appear in children and adolescents. Flat warts are round, or irregularly shaped flat nodules, which are located on the back surface of the Hand / hands, legs and even in face . Color light brown, pink or Nude . Appearance flat wart leads to irritation of the skin ( scratched, cuts, etc.).
  • Who genital warts (Condylomata) is a very small pink growths that lead to floor-to-fire proliferation of soft consistency, physical, or red. This type of warts on sex organs in men and women. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact, particularly often, if to the genitals, there is micro-trauma (tears or). If you don't get rid of, then you can grow large and cause severe harm to human health. Acuminata can lead to the development of other infectious diseases on sexual organs. According to statistics, are more prone to the emergence of women with a high likelihood of developing cervical cancer.
  • Senile warts (keratomas, seborrhoeic keratosis, seborrhoeic wart, bazalnoe-exact papilloma) is a benign Tumor. Clear from the title that this type of warts come in the elderly. The reasons for which are not clear, but it is believed that they develop from cells of the basal layer of the Epidermis, to the more superficial part of the hair follicle. Symptoms of seborrheic keratosis usually appear on the chest, and more rarely on the face, neck, hands, surfaces of forearms. Palm of the hand and sole of the people are exceptions. Such a wart homeopathic the mucous membranes, they are not, in General, reached more than 20, the size of from 0.3 to 3.5 cm, rarely to 4.5-5 cm.

a wart on the skin

Causes of warts

The main reason for the formation of genital HPV (human Papillomavirus) is warts. The most common way of Contracting the Virus is direct contact, like shaking hands with a man, on the Hand a wart. Still, HPV infected, can file against touching infected objects, such as handrails in public transport, towels, nail, nail scissors and much more. HPV Virus penetrates in the people because of the damage to the skin: cracks, scratches, skin irritations, and wounds. A type of warts is through sexual contact is genital warts. According to statistics, more than 80% of people are carriers of the HPV Virus, and about it do not suspect. HPV can take place completely asymptomatic. Among the reasons for it:

  • Collapse or Stress
  • weak immune system
  • Sub-cooling of the body
  • Profuse Sweating
  • Synthetic clothing, tight shoes and shoes made of artificial materials
  • Microtrauma (to hurt while shaving)

By you can't the measures for the treatment of warts immediately the man infecting the whole body "colonies" wart. So, as we already know, the cause for warts is a human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which infects more than 80% of the people on the earth, where any infected Person may have several types of viruses at the same time, and without realizing it begin to flow this, because of their asymptomatic currents. is Each year, rasprostranenie of the HPV Virus in the countries is growing steadily. More often, the infection occurs through direct contact with the skin and the mucous membranes, more rarely, infestation can filing be done by the objects of everyday use (nail, scissors, and much more.)

The treatment of warts

Now, you know what warts are, how they occur and what are the reasons for their emergence, we are trying to figure out ways of its medical treatment, and folk medicine.

General principles of treatment of warts

Today, there is no such method for the treatment of warts, the eliminated the cause (human Papilloma-Virus (HPV)) is complete. The appearance of the warts from occurring, to remove by any of the methods. The probability of relapse after any method of treatment and is 25% - 40%. Most of the methods of removal of warts on the body, people leave behind traces of scars and scars. Here we see the common consequence: the more efficient a method of removal, the higher the probability of the formation of scars. Can warts behavior is completely unpredictable: pass without treatment, but you can not happen after the most effective methods of treatment. In adults and in persons with immune deficiency, as well as the duty, within warts, the warts themselves rarely go. First of all, you have to try safe methods of treatment. Then, if you do not see the effect, then you should move on to more aggressive treatment. You start with the treatment of warts by Laser removal is not necessary since, with this method of treatment, the highest risk of formation of scars and reduces the likelihood of relapse.

Wart on Finger

Medical ways to get rid of warts.

Upon the occurrence of warts the most faithful, the solution is consult with a skin doctor, get the medicines to improve the immunity and nervous soothing. In addition, the doctor will choose the right path of liberation from the warts. These include:

  • Cryotherapy (freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen). On the wart evenly with the Zürn on wooden stick cotton swab, or special medical krioapplikatora liquid nitrogen can be applied, whereby the freezing of the wart within 15-40 seconds. Then the color changes on the wart white and thick, then within an hour , a bubble forms, it takes 4-8 days, and then he comes slowly dries. The crust differs by one and a half - two weeks, so that bright-pink stain. For a plantar wart, a longer course of several cryoprocedure is required with an interval of 2-3 days.
  • Electrocautery (removal of the warts with the help of the current). Under the current high frequency the wart cutting thin metal loop, it helps to avoid bleeding, as well as tissue disinfected. In the case of this doctor the Material remains, in order to test it on the field of Oncology . The procedure runs under a local anaesthetic . After exposure to the current, a thin crust, which is not removed even after 5-7 days (the scar, it is better not to wet).
  • The Laser photo-coagulation (removal of the warts by Laser). Wart removal is layer by layer with a Laser under local anesthesia. After the procedure was at the point where the wart is and remains a small recess, which are self-aligned for 3-4 weeks. If you are talking about the plantar wart, then you need to keep in mind is that for the last 3-4 weeks, to as little as possible.
  • Surgical excision of warts. The method is applicable only if the warts are very large (or there are some merged wart). All unnecessary scalpel cut and, in any case, embarks on the research . The procedure is performed under local anesthesia . The skin is sutured cosmetic seam, after which a thin light scar remains.
  • Chemical Methods. It implies a one-off or courses of treatment of warts corrosive acid or alkali . A high probability of damaging the tissue around the wart, or, what is still to enter the worse the infection . This is a very painful method for the removal of warts. The exception is that treatment with salicylic acid. It can be bought in the pharmacy in liquid Form, as an ointment or as a special patch. For some types of warts, it does not help good enough. Remember that you must remove just the wart, but not together with the skin on which it appeared – that is, you need to lubricate or seal only the wart.

a wart on the palm of your hand

Traditional methods of treatment of warts.

  • Every day, several times a day, the wart Infusion of wormwood lubricate. A strong decoction of wormwood (1 Cup of boiling water, add 3 tablespoons of vermouth, bring to a boil for 2-3 minutes more while insist half an hour under the lid). The broth is, and for the daily lubrication of warts.
  • Daily 3-4 times the warts have RUB of raw garlic. The course of treatment must be continued until the complete disappearance of the warts that lasts two to three weeks to months, in some cases, the course of treatment may last longer time.
  • Press the juice of celandine or dandelion. Daily juice of lubricate the wart. The treatment takes approximately 2-4 weeks.
  • Apply baked garlic with Butter.
  • Appeared on the feet warts, then lubricate it with tea tree oil 3-4 times per day. Oil you can buy in most pharmacies, and costs are low. Don't need the oil to dilute it, because the skin of the legs be thicker, so that it is less sensitive compared to the skin on other parts of the body. If you believe that your skin is sensitive, then there is a high probability of irritation, so that the must not happens, you dilute the oil with Aloe Vera Gel or water. Dilute the oil must 50 in a ratio of 50:.
  • Careful not to damage the formation and RUB it clean with a piece of chalk, poured from the top of a little chalk. Tie them up, so no moisture in the by the Association. With such an Association is necessary to walk day.
  • Raw onion in vinegar and bind it in the night. You make several times a day until the wart is with the root.
  • Clove of garlic, crush to Paste, then pour in a little lemon juice and add the flour to the dough. Then on the wart and secure with a bandage with a hole in the middle for nodules. The last, on the wart, the resulting dough is made from garlic and top with a wound larger. This band is designed to hold 2-3 days, every day you replace it with a new one.
  • If the wart falls off, the skin must Vishnevsky lubricating ointment and connect. The ointment to apply to the complete healing of the wound.
  • Instead of the above-described recipe, the garlic Test, for the removal of plantar warts, you can use a piece of cat grass. Dressings daily, several times a day without a piece of fresh cat grass. According to such a method, the wart will disappear fully.
  • Daily several times a day the warts lemon juice or juice from acidic lubricate apples. Let it dry, will not wash off. Verjuice has reduced the wart in size and after 8-12 days it will disappear entirely.
  • In each pharmacy green buy use liquid soap and for the bandage to the wart. Moisten a piece of soap, and a binding to fasten it on the wart plaster of Paris bandages.
  • The disappearance of the warts helps in the juice of fresh berries of mountain ash. Juice warts to lubricate 3-4 times per day.
  • To the best of the warts-rich fresh juice is applied of green tomatoes.
  • Place with horse-radish with salt, poultices on the warts.
  • Removal of warts dry ice. To hold a piece of ice on the wart for as long as possible, repeat the process several times a day
  • Hot Water (Hyperthermia). The method is very simple and consists in the immersion of the hands or feet, the affected warts, for 25-35 minutes in as hot water, which the man can bear (usually 43 — 47°C). The procedure is 3-4 times per week. The mechanism of action of hyperthermia associated with redness of the skin due to dilation of small blood vessels with subsequent activation of the immune system. This method is primitive and, therefore, often subjected to ridicule caused in patients. However, hyperthermia is very effective. The method is preferable to a plantar wart.

The consequences of warts

Warts to be malignant is extremely rare, although with prolonged friction, and injury, inflammation can develop. The consequences of the warts include:

  • Their distribution on the following pages on the human body;
  • Frequent relapses after treatment;
  • The formation of scar after their removal;
  • An infection, especially if the wart was injured;
  • Accession of infection, especially if the wart is violated;
  • Possibility of converting some types of warts into malignant;