Human Papilloma Virus

Papilloma on the eyebrows

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is located exclusively in the basal layer of the skin, and its propagation occurs in the upper layers. This disease is characteristic cases for its chronic Form with periodic return.

Read more about HPV, its description

HPV infected, more than half of the world's population. Part of them are only carriers of the disease, while others are this Virus is manifested as papillomatosis of the skin, mucous membranes. Sometimes, a virus disease of to be able to pathogens, cancer degeneration of cells. HPV is an infection from the family of Papovaviridea, which can infect and alter the skin cells. It is a benign Tumor is formed in any area of the body:

  • Neck;
  • under the breast;
  • on the abdomen;
  • Face;
  • on the genitals;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal cavities, and lips;
  • on the mucous membrane of the internal organs skins.

This infection belongs to a intracellular parasites that are capable of independently played back, and use the cells of the human body. The Virus injects its DNA into the chromosomes of the people and so it affects long enough. By reducing the immunity observed significant increase of this disease can be. This fact is due to the need for the treatment of HPV. The development of this infection in the cells of the body, but exist outside it can also, but not for long. While in the cells of a living organism it is causing errors in their division.

Papilloma of the Hand

The incubation period and stages of development

The incubation period of the Virus, differences. For this type of Virus is characteristic of covert. Subclinical Form of the durchflieens of the disease, characterized by the advent of inconspicuous lesions with a simple investigation, the cause the patient discomfort in the genital area. Now you can be several types of man infect. Under the influence of some factors the Virus is activated and begins its propagation, and the disease is a time, of the clinical manifestations. In 90 % of cases, for half a year-year, you occurs to heal itself, in some cases, relapsing course can occur with chronic with a large probability of a malignancy (depending on the type of Virus). The disease progresses in four stages (stage):

Level 1 (initial) latency of HPV infection. The Virus is in the body, but not manifested, has not caused any Transformation in the cells. In this Phase, it can reveal PCR analysis;

2 – step clinical symptoms in the Form of growths on the skin. The Virus causes the accelerated division of the epidermal cells. In this stage, the Virus, the PCR, Cytology and histology (presence of detectable hyperkeratosis) is shown in the implementation;

3 – dysplasia. The structure of the cells (coloridos) changes is visible under the microscope, since the DNA of the Virus, the interaction starts with the DNA of the cells and causes the development of the so-called built-in Form. For the diagnostic use of PCR, methods of Cytology and histology, colposcopy, and;

4 Phase – Carcinoma. The development of the Virus caused a Mutation of cells and the formation of malignant cells. Formed in invasive cancer. The diagnosis is done all of the above-mentioned methods, and clinical manifestations.

Types of HPV

More than a hundred types of HPV, determined urogenitalny the human digestive tract to infest and infect the epithelium of the skin and the mucous membranes of the genital organs – 35 types. For all types of HPV, the classification is warts manifested based on the types of skin rashes and other skin manifestations. Typing of HPV with the description looks like this:

  • different types of warts – for your emergence of responsible HPV type 1-5;
  • Plantar warts (they are similar to corn) – HPV types 1-4. Usually develop in the places where the calluses rubbing or pressure. In such places, the skin will be thicker and when you press causes discomfort. Such warts do not improve themselves and will need surgical removal. A distinction wart two sub-types of plantar. A kind of germinates deep in the tissue and strongly hurts, a different kind of reminiscent of the multiple approaches, such as the mutually glued – this type of warts are almost not a sensation of pain brings
  • flat warts– 3, 5, 10, 28, 49 types. Mostly the palm of the hand, face beat. They are mostly young people, and for this reason, this type of warts are called Juvenile. The body will be often in this infection too;
  • common warts – 27 HPV-type;
  • vulgar warts Virus type 2 (usually the body is ready with this type of Virus). He is due to everyday;
  • Scattering Papillon
  • anyone who has genital warts, the homeopath can in women Vagina, Vulva, genitals, cervix, Anus, in men on the head of the Penis, on the skin of the foreskin, is also the Position in the respiratory tract types of 6, 11, 13, 16,18, 33, 35;
  • HPV of high oncogenic risk, the pre-cancerous condition – 39 type;
  • hits warty epidermodysplasia. It is of two types: HPV 5, 8, 47 types of skin cancer in 9 of 10 cases, the Virus in the blood of the patient is available, a different type, called HPV, 14, 20, 21, 25 types of causes usually benign growths;
  • Laryngeal Papillomatosis — A Virus Type 11. In General, from the mother to the child, but maybe an infection during oral sex. Causing difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness, if the number of papillomas big – worsens the breathing;
  • boveney papulez. This kind of provoked a 16, sometimes 18, 31-35, 42, 48, 51-54 types of HPV. Usually can occur, have the representatives of the male half that many sexual partners. Externally, these structures look like half-round or flat growths with a smooth or rough surface, color can be different – from very bright to almost black. The disease can pass by itself, the neocolony type of Virus.

Symptoms and features of durchflieens of HPV in men, women, and children

The infection is at an early stage, the human immune system is strong enough. Most often, the disease will not develop on the presence of HPV, the people manifested not once, as the external symptoms. But after some time (months or years) there may be some signs of an infection with HPV. The statistics say only about 5-10 % of the sufferers which external symptoms of the disease HPV (Human papilloma virus). The disease is asymptomatic, with the majority of the patients has no signs of disease. In the case of the activation of the Virus, growths of various kinds, which provide information about the presence in the body different types of HPV. Localization of the place to talk about the nature of the Virus. For example, papillomas a kind of soft elongated growths (filiform warts), which is pigmented on the stalk, color can not be different from the skin color, but it happens to have. Rod-shaped appear growths, soft to the touch colour pink.

In women, peculiarities of the course of the disease is such that the development of the disease it is capable to pass and in a hidden way, and sometimes causes the formation of papillomas. Infected Virus, a woman may not observe any symptoms until the onset of menopause, during this time, the Virus can trigger malignancy of the cells of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, skin. Prevent the beginning of the development of cervical cancer are caused by the presence of HPV, and helps to a regular medical examination. As the outer appearance of this disease may not show up. In children under the influence of the Virus warts can develop on the skin, papillomatosis of the larynx (usually in the chronic recurrent Form) ends. Papillomatosis of the larynx causing breathing problems to respiratory distress syndrome. Skin warts are at 12 % of the students, this is the most common dermatological disease in children.


HPV and pregnancy

HPV in pregnant women is not the most dangerous disease for you and the unborn child. Expectant mother should be careful, if you detected 6 or 11 type, HPV (which causes genital or anal warts), which at the time of transmission to the newborn consequences in the Form of respiratory papillomatosis may have. In the case of the presence in such a quantity of warts, or places, the expulsion of the fetus, the appointment of caesarean section, as in the case of normal birth are warts in the position to provoke bleeding. All other forms of human papilloma virus (conciliatory lesions) are harmless to the child and pregnancy.

Diagnosis and who should go

For the diagnosis of human papilloma virus of humans, the following research methods:

  • personal examination of the patient;
  • the analysis of the blood;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Cytology smear – PAP Test;
  • Histology Tissue;
  • PCR – Polymerase chain reaction. This analysis allows us to not only know about the presence of the Virus, but also to determine the type. But if the analysis is positive, does not mean that this type of HPV even. This analysis is also all the types of human papilloma viruses determined;
  • Urs;
  • Biopsy.
Laser Treatment

If the outward signs in the Form of rash no discomfort to the patient, and the presence of HPV DNA was determined only through the analysis of the speech of the transient viral infection (the person in the institution). Due to the fact that HPV can cause diseases of various organs, in the presence of contact doctors of different directions. In the presence of warts on the skin of the face and the body contact your skin doctor. In the case of plantar warts to the skin doctor or surgeon. In kondilomah men to the urologist (surgeon), in the case of women – to the gynecologist (surgeon). If warts are present in the area of the Anus, then you have to apply to the proctologist. If you suspect barodawala epidermodysplasia – then to a dermatologist or oncologist. Laryngeal papillomatosis requires treatment by a ENT doctor or a surgeon, boveney papulez – consult a urologist or a sexual diseases. Also, the differential requires diagnosis with diseases such as micro-papillae, the vestibular papillomatosis – you, in contrast to HPV, treatment is not require, because of the similarity of the external characteristics is the possibility of the anatomical Norm. The decryption of normative values through a blood test will show, no HPV.


So safe again HPV or not is full? Until today is not known, to remove that ever a anti viral, capable of HPV from the body. Various interferons and other drugs of this series – the only existing warts reduce, but not reduce the incidence of new. The main method of treatment is the removal of the papillomas is. The main removal methods are:

  • surgical. It is done under local anesthesia;
  • Radio surgery. Radio waves-electrode and the tumour cut away, koaguliruut vessels. According to the anti-septic wound dressing;
  • Laser. This method is non-contact and bloodless. At the point of removal of the crust remains, your healing is happening. The disadvantage of the method is considered to be a high risk of the recurrence of the disease, relatively high price, as well as the need for grinding of the remaining scars;
  • Electro-coagulation. According to the results and effectiveness similar to the previous two proceedings;
  • cryocoagulation. The complete removal of the papillomas is carried out after the implementation of several meetings.

Although with the help of these methods, and there is a complete removal of the external manifestations of the Virus, not not as an absolute exemption from infection, but only relative, because the man ceases to be an infected person, and after a certain period of time, the warts may occur again. The panacea for the non-surgical methods of treatment for all categories of patients (men, women, and children) not available. An Alternative can only as Laser removal. But in its application, the risk of malignancy (malignancy) papillomas consists of a. After the Operation the patient an Infusion, a dose of Steroid medication is administered to preventing the swelling, antibiotics to prevent wound infection. During therapy, the HPV should completely stop sexual life up to the complete healing, as well as the conduct of the investigation and, if necessary, treatment, Partner.

Infusions and herbs

Home treatment and natural remedies

In addition to the traditional methods of treatment, and use of the other, the medicine was officially recognized, and you will spend at home:

  • Treatment of warts salicylic acid. Every day, you should treat warts with a solution of the acid (15-20%). This method has a drawback treatment should have a fairly long period of time;
  • Treatment Cream. Lubricate the warts three times a week. But in the application of itching, can feel Erosion, redness of the skin;
  • Retinoids in the Form of cream. Be treated, the warts within 12 weeks. Its use is also forbidden during the pregnancy;
  • The injection into a hotbed of infection once in 7 days, within three to four weeks. The application is prohibited during pregnancy;
  • The Sear warts, papillomas and destroy pathogenic germs. You treat the wart must be constantly within the hour. Then take a break for a week and a further treatment. If not papilloma is eliminated within 14 days, a further processing is carried out, and so not more than 4 treatments. It is forbidden to use in geriatric warts and in Pediatrics;

If we talk about the treatment of pure natural remedies, here is a great popularity of the use of celandine brought. Its juice you can treat the wart several times a day. If it gets darker, the dark skin is removed and continue to lubricate until the complete removal of the wart.

Prevention of diseases

The most important measures for prevention are:

  • the observance of personal Hygiene in public areas;
  • compliance with a healthy lifestyle, to maintain immunity;
  • a constant sexual partner, the use during sexual intercourse with a non-trusted Partner, a condom;
  • a sufficient intake of vitamins;
  • Sex life does not have 18 years ago, when the mucous membrane of the cervix is pretty Mature and can protect themselves;
  • avoid artificial interruptions of pregnancy and rough Sex;
  • Time for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

In the implementation of the vaccination sometimes can be observed is some of the side effects in the Form of a deterioration of health, increase of temperature, redness at the injection site.