What is a papilloma is and how it looks

Non-Standard proliferation of skin cells called tumors. The main cause for the emergence of tumors experts call radiation the effects of UV.


The second reason for the defeat of the skin cancer-causing substances. Behind every seemingly new formations on the skin is to be on a doctor — oncologist.

He performs all of the necessary diagnostic procedures. And he recommends what further action you need to perform.

Papilloma, Verruca acuminata, and everything is the result of the activity of the human papilloma virus or HPV. The Virus enters the body, and a long time inactive. Under the influence of the factors triggering the activation of the HPV is carried out. This is manifested by the formation of soft growths on the skin and mucous membranes.

Formation and impairment of quality of life, and its cells tend to be mutating, what the Oncology. Timely diagnosis and treatment of papillomas on the genitals – the pledge of a healthy and fulfilling love life of a woman.

The reasons for the formation of papillomas in the mouth

The main reason for the formation of growths in the mouth is the presence in the body of human Papillomavirus. It starts easily: the Virus is through everyday and through personal contacts (contact, unprotected Sex). Fundamental to the infection with the Virus:

  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal Hygiene, the use of foreign toothbrushes and towels;
  • Household is in poor disinfection of objects and utensils, together with an infected Person;
  • The personal contact with the Virus carriers (kissing, oral sex, sexual intercourse);
  • Virus infection of the newborn during the Passage through the birth canal of the mother as a carrier of HPV.

The incubation period of the disease can last for several years. Discover HPV can only be through an examination.

There are a number of factors, the activation of the Virus and the emergence of the symptoms:

  • Frequent colds and chronic inflammatory processes, reduction of immunity;
  • Stressful life style and unhealthy habits;
  • Infringement of a hormonal background;
  • A prolonged intake of antibiotics and corticosteroids (hormonal preparations);
  • Diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Systematic violations of the oral mucosa (the use of tooth brushes with hard bristles, warm food and drink, dentures, braces);
  • Caries, Periodontal Disease, Gingivitis.

Each of papilloma, on the body exclusively by HPV (human Papilloma Virus). Papillomas on the intimate places – a widespread phenomenon. Growths area in the groin, in the vagina, on the Penis, in the anal area. Often Sex are papillomas and in children. Neoplasms do not only restriction, but also physical complaints can deliver. According to the medical statistics, Papilloma Virus genital mutilation meets almost a quarter of the population.

The mechanism of the formation of papillomas in the genital area

In the inactive state, the sexual human Papilloma Virus is able to live in the body over a long period of time. Carriers of the Virus infecting others, completely clueless about it.

The process of the revitalization and growth of the viral cells occurs when the body's defenses. The result is the formation of tumors.

Contrary to popular belief, that the papilloma is causing discomfort only in the cosmetic sense, it can provoke health problems.

HPV types

According to international Standards, all neoplasms share on three types:

  • Benign.
  • Malignant.
  • Edge (precancerous).

It is important to determine the type of papillomas on the body. Type of neoplasms is dependent on the virus strain.

In most cases, human infection, which is not harmful to health and cause only aesthetic complaints confronted with harmless forms. Enough a wart removal not to forget the complaints.

Distinguish different types of warts on the body easily, compare different photos. Any kind of formations, will assume a number of properties, to know the light, to one or the other Form of the disease.

Ordinary papillomas, or vulgar warts

The most common Form of the Manifestation of papilloma virus papillomas ordinary, in the people were called. You will be contact by several strains of the Virus that are easily transmitted to household and sexually.

According to the statistics, approximately every third man on the planet at least once in a lifetime encounter with the advent of the ordinary papillomas.

Papillomas in the mouth come in various forms:

  1. Epithelial hyperplasia — a little education in the Form of papillae, formed mostly on the sides of the tongue;
  2. Simple (vulgar) papilloma appears in the sky and has a pin in the shape of a flattened;
  3. Vulgar Papilloma;
  4. Growths on the gums usually depicted in the Form of a flat papillomas;
  5. Flat Papillomas;
  6. Papilloma on the body
  7. Thread-like Papilloma is a thin base, which is often the cause of bleeding and inflammation, if you hurt. Meet on the tongue;
  8. Thread-like papillomas on the tongue;
  9. Genital warts have the shape of a cone, connect with each other and form large lesions;
  10. Spitzer Papillomas

Important! Early diagnosis threatens wild papillomatous node growth on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Papillomas on the tongue and the cheek can have different Form. Polyps on the cheek cause a small soft bump and no pain. Growths on the tongue, prone to irritation and micro injuries cause bleeding.

Papillomas on the tonsils is often confused with laryngitis or purulent Angina. Because of the growths, it can cause swelling of the respiratory tract and of the vocal cords, which provoked breathing difficulties.

Complaints accompany the process of Absorption of food, even liquid. Sometimes a Person learns the feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

The emergence of papillomas on the larynx may be due to changes in the voice, problems with breathing. During the intake of solid food the mucosa with excesses may bleed. Red throat of the child can talk about the presence of growths. Papillomatosis of the larynx in children is the cause of the Bronchitis.

The occurrence of pathological formations in the Form of cones or a Polyp on the gums (growths on the gums) is dangerous, because the mucosa toothbrush or tooth hurt dentures. Ultimately, this leads not to ulcers to inflammatory process and infection healing.

Papilloma virus, apart from skin lesions, carries the risk for the development of various diseases. Type of infection, how it will develop and what the risk is.

Definition of types of warts can be used:

  • Identification there is the risk of degeneration in the bsartige tumor outgrowth;
  • Choosing an effective treatment;
  • Determining the type of infection.


Also known as a vulgar or ordinary. The formation of papillomas is preceded by slight burning.

In the course of time, a ball-shaped outgrowth, reminiscent of a Tumor. Still later, the smooth surface neoplasms changes to uneven, the color of meat is always darker.

The sizes vary from 1 to 10 mm.

Usually, common warts appear between the fingers and on the palms of the hands with the tail. In children, the move predominantly creeping, can be localized on the knees. Are single or multiple.

Often vulgar papillomas are not present hazards to human health, the benign growths.


The name speaks about the localization of the papillomas. In order not to wrongly confused with calluses, there are a number of speaking features:

  • Regeneration for all characters is reminiscent of a common wart;
  • Pain in the area of the outgrowth when wearing the shoes small;
  • dermal drawing are missing, and the surface is rough.

Plantar verrucas inherent mosaic papillomatosis, if in the vicinity of the cutaneous formation of bubbles, which in the course of time - papillomas develop.

In the case of small children, plantar warts can disappear by themselves.


An oval, elongated, rarely round. Characterized by low height – only a couple of mm sticking out through the skin ceiling. Face baffle, the skin of the upper part of the Thorax, and sometimes the external sexual organs.

After the color is a little darker physical hue. In the vicinity of flat papillomas are tend to be United in a single body, then they stand out a lot more.


Warts, characterized by specific stem and has a longitudinal shape, a thread shape referred to (acrochordus). Originally skin-formation has the shape of a small bumps that will soon be pulled.

The most common in men and women after 40 years. Localized on the neck, on the eyelids, under the armpits, in the bikini zone-to-zone, in the vicinity of the milk glands. Often the fine feet, to easy to damage clothes or sloppy motion violated due to the presence.


Externally, papillary formation are similar. You can get the skin beat both individually, as well as whole groups. With the development to connect into a whole, forming physical or bright pink comb.

The emergence of genital warts due to an infection, the sexually. In this context, acuminata of the genitalia, groin Zone, the area in the vicinity of the Anus meet.

Papillomas in the mouth

Spitzer papillomas develop very quickly and to occupy in a few days, a large Phase of healthy tissue. Even after successful treatment, a relapse is not excluded.

The medicine has more than a hundred types of human papillomavirus. About forty of them sexually transmitted, and thus the genital organs affecting both men and women, many types of HPV not harmful at all, some are particularly dangerous and can trigger cancer.

Types of the human Papillomavirus, the probability of the formation of oncogenes formations classify adopted in accordance with the degree on the skin. Distinguish:

  • a particularly dangerous type – 16, 18, 36, 45;
  • Type of medium danger– 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58;
  • secure way– 6, 11, 42, 43, 44.

HPV is a micro-organism, with up to hundreds of stamps. Depending on the type, the impact on the Person of the stamp of HPV, the skin layers are formed and various types of papillomas. They differ in appearance, speed of growth, the location on the body.

Some papillomatous Proliferation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, skin, bladder, in women in the Vagina and men in the area of the Penis.

The determination of the type of papillomas is necessary, the most effective treatment method for the assessment of the risk and the rebirth into a malignant Tumor.

The school of medicine shall inform HPV on 4 groups:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • low-oncogenic;
  • the supporting means of the oncogenic risk;
  • the varying degrees carcinogenicities.

Non-oncogenic, i.e., not born again, with the time in the cancer tumor, in General, the papillomas are vulgar, flat, plantar type. If you are a General Definition of papillomas, the, translated from the Latin, to it as a "Tumor in the Form of a papilla".